This was a technique I saw described on SCS. What caught my eye was the the stamp, and the asian feel. It turns out that the stamp was retired from Stampin' Up, 'Riot of Petals'. It took me forever to find it. (I paid way to much on ebay!) The technique is simple; emboss the image onto dark cardstock then apply bleach (regular Clorox) to the image to take out the pigment in the cardstock. What's cool is the variations of color that the bleaching gives you. This was dark blue Creative Memories paper that bleached out into various shades of purples to white. I found that drying between bleach applications worked better. I went back in with my Copics and colored in the leaves and the branches. It didn't seem to hurt the pens any, I was worried about the bleach affecting the nibs. I used an aquacolor waterbrush and filled it with clorox. Kept the smell down to a minimum. It would be fun to experiment with different colors of darker cardstock.

You can kind of the see the variations in this this close-up. It's really beautiful in person.
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